Monday, November 12, 2012

Leibster Award = Personal get to know you time. Tender

This is for bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Each person must post 11 things about themselves.  
Answer the questions the nominator asked, 
and create 11 questions for your nominees to answer. 
Choose 11 people and link them in your post. 
Go to their page and tell them. 
No tag-backs.
11 Things About Me
       1. I used to say that I was allergic to Onions. Just so people wouldn't think that I was weird for completely loathing them.
       2.  I used to try really hard to be nothing like my mother because my siblings point out her flaws relentlessly and often dwell on her mistakes and her bad habits, when in reality I am the most like her then anyone in my family, and I don't think we're that bad. They can live with it.
        3.  I have never been immunized except for one Tetanus shot I received after scratching my skin on a poop barrel at the stables. That's right.
        4.  I have always had a job. ever since I was a kid I was doing something. First paper route, then baby sitting and working at a barn, then Scera theater, and finally onto my first real paying job. It never ends but I love it that way.
        5.   I secretly want to be a doctor but couldn't handle the dead bodies. So I will be a Vet instead. Road kill doable.
        6.   I have a strong testimony and would gladly share it if you beat it out of me.
        7.   If I could do anything in the world it would be to live on a ranch with my own land, living off of that land with a big hot cowboy as my husband who helped me take care of our many varieties of animals which we were educated on how to fully take care of. Oh and we would also be doctors, and musicians.
        8.  Truly believe that the music from my favorite movie "the last of the Mohicans" follows me around everywhere I go. Stores, elevators, people playing pianos, bagpipes, Pandora. Its ridiculous but I love it!
        9. Would love to play my guitar and sing my hearts content to an audience of thousands.
        10. I am a true lover of World of Warcraft. It holds a place in my heart.
        11. I am really really good at Tetris. Asians lose to me often.

Megans Questions
 Do you ever wear socks to sleep?
Yes, often actually, because I like to slather them in smelly good lotion.

If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
Honestly, I would  fly home.

What is your most irrational fear?
I often check underneath my bed. Twice, just in case a monster slipped under it while I was in the bathroom. 

What do you wish you could make money doing?
I would love to make money as a musician but in this day and age it is almost cooler to have a secret talent then to be a famous singer
What truly seduces you?  (eg: poetry, a man playing guitar, gifts, etc.)
Men who are forward, and aren't afraid to go for what they want.  I hate having to entice someone into asking me out because they are too shy or scared I will say no or think that I already have a boyfriend so I wouldn't say yes. I hate men who don't step up. Also, I like it when men use the word Gorgeous, rather than babe or cute.

What color of nail polish do you always come back to?
Red. Always. so many shades.

If you could spend the day with any famous individual, who would it be?
Marcus Mumford. We would play the day away.

What is the story of your biggest heart break?
wow. longest story of all time. Girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love, girl and boy move in together, get kittens, plan a wedding, girl buys dress, boy says lets get married in the temple, boy moves out, boy then dumps girl, steals her money, girl finds out engagement ring was fake. the end. (short version)

What is your guilty pleasure T.V. show?
DEXTER. So good.

What do you hope your life will be like in ten years?
I hope I will be working with Thoroughbreds and finished with School! I also really hope I will get married by then.
Do you eat fast or slow?
really fast. Servers always eat on the go. It stays with you.

My Nominees
I'm not going to nominee anyone, because I know my followers won't do it back..unless you are Rachel, but Meg you tagged her so done and done.
Loved this post. so much fun. Thanks Meg. I loved getting to know you a little better. I feel like I knew most of those things!

1 comment:

  1. "7. If I could do anything in the world it would be to live on a ranch with my own land, living off of that land with a big hot cowboy as my husband who helped me take care of our many varieties of animals which we were educated on how to fully take care of. Oh and we would also be doctors, and musicians."

    OH yeah! love that. haha and congratulations on beating asians!
