Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Red Eye

There are so many things that I need to update my blog about, but I just can't find the words.

Its like my brain needs to decompress and somehow recollect everything that has happened this summer. I have over 7 drafts on my page that I have no desire to even look at, let alone complete. Why not write a completely new post about nothing? Alright.

 I spend my personal time wandering. Wandering through the city, after 14 hours of straight sleep that sometimes ends up lasting right through church. The fall weather is definitely drawing me outdoors, so rather than sit in a house or on a porch on a get the picture, I would rather wander.

I spend most of my days indoors entertaining a two year old who's only redeeming quality is to say thank you and clap at my guitar playing. The point being that the weekends are my only time to be alone, and I like it that way. I find that filling my weekends with social activities only exhausts me to the point where I am twice as tired the following weekend. None of this is good for writing inspiration. Until one of my wanderings late at night happens upon a favorite blog or two of mine, and its like the words on the electronically speaking page are some sort of password to open my creativity. Why can't I just be creative all the time? This must be what it feels like to have writers block.

I usually find inspiration to write, at around 2 am. Big surprise, guess what time it is? The majority of my late night time is usually spent wondering how I can turn my brain off. Its like I go on auto all day long, go through the motions to get the hours to pass, which are not unpleasant hours, just repetitive. By the time I get downstairs around 8pm, I cannot figure out how it all works again. Auto pilot goes off and I have forgotten who I am, what was I going to do once I got down here, and where the remote control is. I then wander Netflix, facebook, and news websites aimlessly looking for I don't even know what and before I know it its 2am again and I'm all wired, poetically motivated, and I have to be up in 4 hours. Great.

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